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Mi Anachnu - Who are we?
Bnei Akiva of the US & Canada provides high quality religious Zionist education and programs for North American Jewish youth along with their families and
communities. Basing ourselves on the principles of Torah v’Avodah, we encourage aliyah, love of the Jewish people, and love of Israel.
Bnei Akiva of the US & Canada provides high quality religious Zionist education and programs for North American Jewish youth along with their families and communities. Basing ourselves on the principles of Torah v’Avodah, we encourage aliyah, love of the Jewish people, and love of Israel.

Torah V'Avodah
Infusing Torah into all aspects of ourlives, ensuring that it guides our workand our daily activities.

Youth Empowerment
Inspiring youth to take action and tomake a difference in the world aroundthem.

Manhigut - Leadership
Creating programming for youth of allages that is dedicated to buildingleadership.

Tzionut – Zionism
Nurturing a love of Israel and acommitment to building a home for theJewish people in the state of Israel.

Aliyah - Life In Israel
Choosing a life in Israel that isdedicated to cultivating the landand the state.

Am Yisrael – Jewish Solidarity
Embracing our responsibilityfor all Jews.

Kehilla - Community
Forging a supportive society that seeksto make the world a better place.Forging strong communities that arecommitted to each other and to makingthe world a better place.

Chinuch – Education
Learning Torah leads to derech eretz andmeaningful growth. Imbuing educationinto everything we do, from teachingTorah to modeling derech eretz.

Minhagim V’halachot –Jewis
Approaching Judaism as a holistic wayof life. Upholding Jewish law andtraditions to guide our movement’sgrowth.

Dugma Ishit –Role Model
Channeling Jewish values in positiveways by , setting a good example foryouth, community members, and theworld.
Featured Camp
Moshevet Stone
Located on 500 acres in Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania, Camp Stone's mission is to transform every camper and staff member that enters its gates through the construction of an experiential, fully immersive, values driven community.
The Tochnit (educational program), developed and executed by the emerging adult staff, is designed to nurture an appreciation of each individual’s identity and role as a member of Am Yisrael, a love of Eretz Yisrael, and a profound understanding of the centrality of the Torah and the State of Israel for the Jewish people.
Visit SiteTzevet
A movement that is inspired, energized, and led by youth, Bnei Akiva hosts an array of skill-building programs for our young leaders. Every year our teen leaders from across the continent join together at Kenes Avodah to prepare themselves to best serve their communities for the year ahead. In addition, hadracha Shabbatons take place in communities all across the US & Canada to empower teens to take on leadership roles and train them to become madrichim. Kenes Manhigei Chevraya Bet, Bnei Akiva’s annual leadership conference, empowers our high school students to reach their full leadership potential with intensive training sessions, meaningful bonding activities, and creative programming workshops.

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