Atlanta Shabbaton
Atlanta Shabbaton
By: Hannah Solon | Mazkira, Atlanta
This past Shabbat, Bnei Akiva Atlanta held our annual Hadracha Shabbaton centered around the theme “Creating Community.” We spoke about how we can build our BAA community within the broader Atlanta community and how to build that community in a way that will allow us to function as best as possible. We started the shabbaton Friday night with Mifkad, an amazing Kabbalat Shabbat, a great peula ran by our Mazkirim about the values we need to hold as a group, and ended with a really fun oneg ran by our Bnot Sherut and Shinshinim. On Shabbat, our amazing Bogrim ran two peulot about making decisions and creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing. We ended Shabbat with seudat shlishit and slow shira with the community and havdala. We ended the shabbaton with an intense game of parliament at menchies while eating amazing fro-yo.