With: Ezra Klineman | Mazkir, Cleveland 


Current role in Bnei Akiva
Mazkir Galil of Bnei Akiva Cleveland

What is your first memory of Bnei Akiva?
My first memory of Bnei Akiva is my first sukkah hop in 2nd grade, we went to Yedidya Blau’s house (Shoutout to the Blau Family), and Elijah Soclof’s house (Shoutout to the Soclof Family). Enjoyed some amazing candy, played a sick game of assassin, and played the best game of football in my life.

Why do you think it’s so important to be involved in Bnei Akiva as a High Schooler?
It is so important to be involved in Bnei Akiva as a high schooler because you have the chance to mold the future of Am Yisroel. As a teenager, you have the chance to alter kids’ lives in a way that only you can do. And that is an opportunity that is very special and does not come around very often.

Tell us your favorite Bnei Akiva experience?
My favorite experience has to be when the last piece of garbage was picked up from my first Purim carnival. Months of planning, days spending every moment on an event that reflected everything Bnei Akiva stands for, culminating in the most satisfying way. The first time I’ve felt genuine satisfaction in my life.

Where is your dream place to live in Israel?
My dream place to live in Israel has to be the top floor of an apartment in the old city, nothing beats that view.

What does Torah V Avodah mean to you?
When I think of Torah V Avodah, I think of a very important distinction, sometimes it is viewed as Torah — V Avodah. Torah, and Avodah. However, I like to see it as Torah B’Avodah, Torah within Avodah. We aren’t supposed to live two lives, one of Work, and one of Torah. We have to live a life where both share an equal importance. When we do any type of Avodah it should be with the values of Torah, not separate from it. We have to always be living a life of Torah even when what we are doing could seem like the farthest thing from it.

Who would you rather be David Ben Gurion or Golda Meir?
David Ben Gurion!

Most meaningful Zionist/Jewish quote?
קדש חייך בתורה וטהרם בעבודה

What is your aliyah date?

Who is your aliyah-inspiration?
Dovid Ben-Tor/Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel

Any words of wisdom you’d like to share?
Am Yisroel Chai!