Moshevet Aliyah was a meaningful experience in Camp Moshava Ennismore this past summer. Chanichim and Tzevet experienced the past, the present and the future Aliyah and strengthened their passion and connection to Eretz Yisrael.


This summer, Moshava Ennismore broke our record by selling out and welcoming 280 campers in our first session. Over the course of the summer, we welcomed over 330 individual campers and 180 Tzevet from around the world. We introduced a new peula called “Techno Kef” where chanichim experienced hydrodynamic activities and used our 3D printer to create amazing projects. We expanded our incredible Agam with new water toys such as a Monkey Dome, Foxtrot, and Catapult!


In addition to our fun filled days with an abundance of activities, we also experienced an incredible Maccabiah, filled with team building and sports activities, 2 day Colour War, juggling training, instructional magic peulot, Megamot where we had guest chefs provide an extraordinary culinary experience for our Chanichim and Tzevet, horseback riding, ceramics, sports and more! We had 3 days of workshops with Sean and Turner Evans, from the Peterborough Lakers (Peterborough’s Lacrosse Team) come to camp to teach us the skills and drills of playing Lacrosse. A special highlight this summer was a unique opportunity to host the U19 Israeli Women’s National Lacrosse Team at camp for dinner where they enjoyed dancing in our Chadar and meeting our Chanichim and Tzevet. The next day we cheered them on as they competed in the neighbouring town of Peterborough in a game against a Canadian First Nations team.


All of this is made possible thanks to our incredible, dedicated staff and our parent body that continue to want to nurture their children in the path of the ideals of Bnei Akiva!


We look forward to continuing the Magic of Moshava as we plan Summer 2020! We hope to see you there!


Vicky Shizgal, Camp Director                        Tova Segal, Assistant Director