With: Avi Matanky| Moshava Alevy, LA



Avi Matanky





Current role in Bnei Akiva 

Director, Moshava Alevy


What is your first memory of Bnei Akiva?

 My summers as a staff-brat at Moshava Wild Rose.


Your favorite bnei akiva memory? 

All of my summers with Bnei Akiva.


What was/is/hope to be your biggest achievement in Bnei Akiva? 

To be able to inspire a love of Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and Torat Yisrael into all those who come through the gates of Moshava Alevy.


Where is your dream place to live in Israel? 



What is your favorite Israeli food? 



Starbucks or Aroma? And Why? 

Starbucks. Sorry. I’m a creature of habit.


What is the best meal in Moshava Alevy? 

Everything. Moshava Alevy has the best camp food.


Why is Moshava Alevy such a special place for you? 

We have such an amazing atmosphere. As a young camp, our staff is empowered to take real leadership roles that will shape the culture and atmoshpere of Moshava Alevy for years to come.


Describe Bnei Akiva in three words? 

Meaningful youth empowerment


Most meaningful Zionist/Jewish quote? 

Im Lo Achshav, Eimatai


What is your educational philosophy? 

Learn through experience.