Florida Hadracha Shabbaton

By: Mayrav Sakethou | Mazkira Galil, Florida


This past Shabbat, Bnei Akiva Florida had our annual Hadracha Shabbaton in Hollywood. It was incredible to have all of our madrichim and roshim together for an entire Shabbat. Shabbat was enhanced by two amazing Bogrim, Leora Strauss and Natan Polinsky, the Shinshinim and by the surprise appearance of our Regional Director, Rav James Williams. Together with the roshim, we ran sessions where our madrichim learned about Bnei Akiva, their roles on tzevet, and how to make sniff this coming year amazing. Shabbat was filled with so much singing, learning, and ruach. After concluding the Shabbaton with slow shira and havdala, the excitement for the coming year was tangible. I am so excited to see how our madrichim impact Bnei Akiva Florida.