Moshava Wild Rose
By: Dikla Weitzner | Director, Moshava Wild Rose
This year in Wild Rose the theme is Yerushalayim – the spiritual center of Am Yisrael. Our goal for the first month was to sensitize chanichim to the spiritual and physical revival which occurred in Yerushalayim over the last 50 years. This was accomplished by focusing on important places, people and events that shaped and formed the city as we find it today. Each week concentrated on a different element with interactive shiurim and engaging peulot helping the chanichim gain an important appreciation of the rich history of Yerushalayim.
One notable highlight was Maccabia. The two teams were יִרְאֶה and שָׁלֵם focusing on the two important aspects of the city which make up the name Yerushalayim. The teams demonstrated their creativity and understanding of the two names through skits, songs, and their artistry on posters and team shelatim.
Another exciting tochnit erev was after learning about the 6 Day War, chanichim were tasked to break into the gates of the Old City “Escape the Room” style and save Yerushalayim.
This year in camp there are also a number of new programs, such as the new Teva program which campers of all ages have been excited about interacting with nature, earth and plant growth. Another new program is Bishul where campers bake delicious treats, learn about the science of baking and much more. Finally, campers have been enjoying the new addition to the zipline – it’s truly been a thrill for all. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store!