Enabling 20 Glilim and 40 Sniffim to reach their maximum potential
Snif provides an opportunity to learn about Israel, Zionism, the Parsha, or Judaism in an experiential way. Madrichim become role models to their chanichim not only in Snif, but in school and other non Bnei Akiva settings as well.
Part of S
mething Bigger

Every Chanich,
Part of a Snif

Every Snif,
Part of a Galil

Every Galil,
Part of

Part of World Bnei Akiva

National Programs
Our biggest Shabbaton of the year brings together hundreds of high school students from across the United States and Canada for an inspiring weekend where friendships are made and young leaders are empowered. On the last day, Bnei Akiva youth participate in the Celebrate for Israel Parade, expressing their love for Israel while marching down Fifth Avenue.
During their Shana B’Aretz, our recent high school graduates convene in Israel for Tochnit Tzion. Together, they learn about Bnei Akiva’s values and explore how each one of them can make a difference for Medinat Yisrael. Tochnit Tzion provides participants with the foundation and confidence to become strong educators and passionate leaders in our movement.
During the month of Nissan, our Shana Alef students are invited to spend two weeks living on an army base or on a kibbutz. Tochnit Nissan gives our students the opportunity to immerse themselves in Israeli life and connect to their land and their people on a whole new level.